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Policy statement

Posting, sharing & commenting​


Girls Adoption Connect recognizes adoption stories and adoption-related discussions are incredibly personal and sensitive topics and tries try to honor the nature of each post. However, when accepting story submissions, it's asked that you only share what you feel safe and comfortable sharing, knowing whatever you send will be shared publicly, and Girls Adoption Connect does not have full control of downloads and viewership of your content after it's published. After publication, if you’d like your submission removed from our website or social media platforms, please email the title of the post, and it will be considered, depending on reason for removal.


Requests for edits or modifications to existing posts will not be granted, unless there's a factual correction to be made, nor will multiple "Adoptee Spotlight" submissions per person. When an edit or update is made, a note will be included at the end of the post on the website stating the change. If there is reason to withhold a submission, say for inappropriate content or copyrights, it will not be published and Girls Adoption Connect will send a message to the submitter. 


Comments on any of Girls Adoption Connect's platforms are monitored. Community members are encouraged to comment and engage in civil discourse. Girls Adoption Connect reserves the right to delete or restrict any comments that inflict harm on an individual or group or spread misinformation.


Girls Adoption Connect aims to keep this a safe and ethical platform and maintains the right to withhold or modify any posts submitted. All submissions will be copy edited prior to publication. If there are any further questions, please email

Copyright & plagiarism

Community Chats​


Girls Adoption Connect provides Instagram group chats for adoptees to connect with those adopted from the same regions. Anyone can be removed from any chat group at any time for inappropriate or offensive language/behavior, knowingly spreading misinformation or excessive spamming. Girls Adoption Connect aims to keep community spaces welcoming, safe and ethical. Please only join the chat that you identify as being adopted from. 



Girls Adoption Connect is happy to discuss potential collaboration with fellow adoption groups, community organizations and non-profits. Please email to discuss. Promotional posts or any form of content from individuals will not be accepted.

Diversity and Inclusion

From Téa Tamburo

Girls Adoption Connect is committed to providing a welcoming, accepting, affirming and accessible community for adoptees with all backgrounds. Girls Adoption Connect was named as such by me, because I started it alongside girls from my adoption travel group, with the goal of connecting with adoptees who have similar stories as us: female and adopted from China. Deciding to maintain the name of "Girls Adoption Connect," anyone who identified as a girl or woman at the time of their adoption is welcome to share their story and join the Girls Adoption Connect-provided community.

Usage Rights​


In the event any of the posts are plagiarized, Girls Adoption Connect will directly notify the party at fault and request the plagiarized content to be deleted. That said, please do not repost content without getting Girls Adoption Connect's permission first. For images, copyrights are checked prior to publication, with image credit provided when due. All adoptee spotlight images are provided by the adoptee and are expected to be their own. However, if something copyrighted is accidentally posted, Girls Adoption Connect will retract the post and repost with the necessary corrections and a correction statement.

Please see above for Girls Adoption Connect's policies regarding posting, sharing, usage, collaboration, and diversity and inclusion.

Further questions may be directed to

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