This post differs from Girls Adoption Connect's usual adoption-focused content. However, as a community of girls and women, it feels irresponsible to have this platform and not use it to advocate for our rights.
-- Téa Tamburo, Girls Adoption Connect founder

[Image text:
Image one: Now isn't the time to stop advocating for reproductive rights. Banning abortion takes the power to decide our life's path and gives it to the state governments. To protect this choice, we must advocate to prevail in the struggle for reproductive justice at the state level. By Téa Tamburo.
Image two: Words cannot describe. I'm confused and livid and depressed all at the same time. By Ellen.
Image three: It's terrifying. I've told all my friends to delete their period-tracking apps and buy Plan B just in case. I've been looking at more long term solutions for myself too because contraceptives are next. By Joy.]